Equality Policy
Northumberland FA are passionate and committed to ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion in football.
Our vision is; ‘using the power of football to inspire, unite and create opportunities for all’ and we are committed to displaying and demonstrating consistent behaviours and actions associated to our values, ultimately striving to ensure that we provide a safe, positive and welcoming football experience for every participant across the game in Northumberland.
The aim of our Equality policy is to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect, along with ensuring that Northumberland FA is equally accessible to all.
Our Equality Policy can be downloaded here.
For any questions, feedback, comments or enquiries with regards to equality, diversity and inclusion, please contact Dean Buckle, Head of Compliance & Inclusion, using the contact details provided below.
Tel: 07458 043 678
E Mail: dean.buckle@nothumberlandfa.com