Female player shaking Referee hand before match

Respect and Reward 2023-24 Round-up

NFA's Respect & Reward overview for season 2023-24

NFA Respect & Reward has finished its second season of collecting data from referees on the behaviour and levels of respect shown by players, coaches, and spectators in grassroots football. The teams who are scored the highest are recognised and £2000 of kit and equipment vouchers is awarded to the best overall Clubs and teams. In addition, referees who support the scheme can also receive a share of £1000 kit & equipment vouchers.

NFA Respect & Reward itself had a successful season, winning The FA’s Positive Environment Award at the County FA Recognition Awards in Wembley for best project/intervention to support positive environments in football.

From the scoring, that you can view in the End of Season Update PDF, you will see with over 1,600 matches providing 9,600 scores across Teams’ players, coaches, and spectators, results remain consistent from 2022/23 season and that the vast majority of football continues to be played within a positive environment. All involved in grassroots football, who volunteer their time, and work extremely hard to support the Club’s teams and fellow volunteers, should be commended for this. Despite an ongoing negative media narrative, that will always pick up on incidents of unacceptable behaviour, but rarely the regular incidents of excellent behaviour, it is important to recognise the hard work of the vast majority.

Where negative behaviour does take place, the scoring strongly suggests a correlation between the behaviour of both coaches and spectators and that of their players. Where Coaches and Spectators were scored highly (8-10/10) so were their players, averaging 9.1 (Coaches) and 9.0 (Spectators) out of 10. However, when Coaches and Spectators scored poorly (1-4/10), player conduct was also below the expected standard, averaging 4.2 (Coaches) and 3.8 (Spectators). This shows the importance of Clubs creating positive environments, setting clear expectations of behaviour, and those on the sidelines managing their emotions and conduct around grassroots football.

Respect & Reward scoring also correlates with Discipline data, with 90% of matches being played in a positive environment, compared to 1.2% of games played in a negative environment. When unacceptable on-pitch behaviour is discussed, people are (generally) referring to Dissent, Violent Conduct, and use of Offensive/Insulting/Abusive Language. In 2023/24 season, 453 cautions were given for dissent. As a percentage of registered players this is 1.6%. 130 Red Cards were given for Violent Conduct, 0.46% of registered players. 146 Red Cards were shown for use of Offensive/Insulting/Abusive Language, 0.52% of registered players. Although we want none of these offences to occur on a football pitch, individual human behaviour will always fall short of expectations at time. Part of Respect & Reward’s aim is to incentivise positive behaviour as a method of behaviour change, alongside FA Discipline which aims to decentivise negative behaviour. It is vital that negative behaviour is cautioned and reported correctly so those individuals can be sanctioned. Over the last three seasons, as a percentage of football played, Violent Conduct (0.7% > 0.5%) and Offensive/Insulting/Abusive Language (0.6% > 0.5%) has declined slightly. Dissent however has slightly increased (1.4% > 1.6%). A holistic approach of continuing to grow Respect & Reward and Positive Football Ambassadors, alongside existing FA Discipline procedures and new stronger punishments for Teams who repeatedly show poor discipline and behaviour, will aim to continue increase the number of games played in a positive environment and reduce the 1.2% of games played in a negative environment.

In 2024/25 Season we are continuing and expanding Respect & Reward to provide more regular recognition and reward, and act as an early intervention to help Clubs provide teams support and guidance where required.  This will take the form of monthly Team Prizes for high scoring teams, along with larger end of season prizes. The end of season prize pot is starting at £2,000 but will increase as the season goes on. This season The FA have announced cautions for dissent (sin-bins) will now incur both a 10-minute sin-bin punishment for the player and a standard £12.00 caution fee charge to the Team. £6 of these charges will go into the Respect & Reward its end of season prize pot to go back to the Clubs with the most positive environments. The other £6 will go into Referee support for the 2025/26 season.

The one ASK that Northumberland FA has to clubs and referees is that a) Clubs continue to work hard to create positive environments with their players, coaches and spectators and ask referees to score their matches as part of Respect & Reward so they can be recognised for their work, and b) that more referees continue to engage with the scheme to provide as much data as possible. This allows recognition to be given for the great efforts of so many in the game, and from 2024/25 will allow us to use data to work with Clubs and Teams where behaviour falls below expectations. This includes support from Northumberland FA’s team of Positive Football Ambassadors who will continue to complete ‘Mystery Shop’ visits of matches in 2024/25.

Please see a round-up of the 2024/25 Respect & Reward scoring here.