County FA to Pilot Sin Bin Roll-Out
Northumberland FA, in partnership with The Football Association, can confirm that for the 2018/19 season, the sin bin sanction will be operating within two County Cup competitions.
For the forthcoming campaign, the pilot will be rolled out in the following competitions:
- Northumberland FA Benevolent Bowl County Cup
- Northumberland FA Minor County Cup
As a result of this roll-out, Northumberland FA will be offering the opportunity for all registered referees to attend specific training, to be held at Northumberland FA’s headquarters on Sunday 1 July 2018.
The sin bin inclusion is still within a pilot roll-out across the country for the 2018/19 season, ahead of the mandatory inclusion within grassroots football as of the 2019/20 season.
Any registered referee wishing to attend the sin bin training MUST register using their FAN number prior to the workshop.
To register, please CLICK HERE.
The session will consist of a presentation supplied by The FA, which ALL pilot leagues have and/or will receive as well, when an outdoor practical activity is delivered by the Northumberland FA Referee Tutors.
Should you have any questions, please email Lindsey Robinson via